3: Concept Art with Kalen Chock

[Click image for larger version.]

Kalen Chock
Kings Landing (recent years but date unknown)
Digital painting, concept art
Based on 'A Song of Ice and Fire' series by George R. R. Martin & 'Game of Thrones' series on HBO
Artist portfolio here


Think today might be my first time featuring concept art1, and if so won't be the last, because it's just the coolest damn thing. 

And this would be the other thing perspective is really, really good for — creating images from imagination rather than reality. When you're trying to make something that doesn't exist seem viscerally real, imposing real-world rules of perception on that something is pretty crucial. 

Above, a digital painting by Kalen Chock based on the Kings Landing location from the 'Game of Thrones' show and/or 'A Song of Ice and Fire', the original book series by George R. R. Martin. 

(P.S. - Apologies for the delay, nice long internet outage this afternoon :/ )


1. A concept artist explaining what concept art is (and isn't) can be found here. When I use the term, I also include all the non-official artworks (such as the featured image, to the best of my knowledge) created by fans to define their own vision of the story/world.