'S. Maria Del Fiore, Florence'

[Click image for larger version.]

(Uncertain on artist)
S. Maria Del Fiore, Florence: Elevation of dome and substructure (date uncertain)
Originally seen at archimaps

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Have perspective on the brain, and am reading through a few books to get a better grasp on its intricacies. While I beat myself against the wall on that, will be posting some inspirational images this week of what sorts of works can be done when perspective is handled with confidence.

One of the most direct applications for correct perspective is architecture, so above is a drawing of the elevation (i.e. facade) of the cathedral in Florence (commonly known as the 'Duomo', for its dome).

I love this building anyway, but as a bonus the actual dome part was built by the guy usually credited with the 'rediscovery' of one-point linear perspective, so there's that.