1: An O'Keeffe Leaf

[Click image for larger version.]

Georgia O'Keeffe
Autumn Leaf No. II, 1927
Oil on canvas, w24" x h24"
Private collection 
Image zoom available from Sotheby's auction house


We continue our autumn-themed lower-genre reflections this week with Autumn Leaf No. II, Georgia O'Keeffe. This piece is an example of the way O'Keeffe zoomed in on simple, emblematic objects, focusing specifically on their form, their shape, to such an extent that her paintings made big abstracted monuments out of everyday things.

Are we going to talk about the sexual overtones a lot of people insist on seeing in O'Keeffe's work? No we are not (and it's less arguable here than in other works anyway). But here's the Sotheby website again for their write-up if you're interested in more details; skipping over the sticker shock at the top of the page, scroll down to the 'Catalog Note' at the bottom.