Diving In...

Continuing to wrap my head around new materials this week, and over the next few days (potentially the next couple weeks, we'll see how fast this can all come together) will share some instructional videos/pages I've been using myself, as well as first steps on my various project-parts as I complete them.

When we get to that sharing-first-steps part, will have to repeat that this whole thing is basically being done on a whim that, on another whim, I committed to — i.e. I have *no idea* what I'm doing. So if the process doesn't seem to make a lot of sense, or you're wondering why I'm not using a tool that's well-known to do things better/faster...don't doubt yourself, and there probably is no master reason why/why not on my end. Feel free to let me know though!


For one part of my project, I have to find a way to make what is basically a prop brick. (Why not use an actual brick? Because I do actually have a master reason on this point — the inside is a concealed chamber.)

The options I've come up with:

1. Use brick veneers. These would have to be shaved down at the edges to fit together, or the project would have to be sized a little larger and then at the naked seams between veneer tiles I'd have to fill in with another material (probably some form of modeling putty or texture paste) that would then be painted over to match the veneers. 

2. Take a mold off a brick/brick veneer for the texture, then fill in the mold with e.g. bake-able polymer clay. The clay could then be shaped so that all sides of the 'brick' fit together neatly, and the full thing could be painted over afterwards. 

The above video suggests a method using polymer clay for the mold as well as the mold-fill. This seems like it would work fine, but I'll be using silicone rubber for the mold part, as A) I already have some and B) it seems like the clay might present a problem by sticking to the brick more.