Grab-Bag 6: Grab-Bag of Grab-Bags of Fine Art

And finally, another few places to see new art of the "fine art" variety — didn't want to pick, so you get all three.

We have one of the old guard (publication founded 1913):

(some great work from up and coming professionals, but kind of...'distant' in the actual reading)

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One of the new kids (publication founded 2005):

(pulling from more offbeat sources and including more e.g. street artists and graphic designers)

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And one of the internet-only babies (born out of a blog started 2010):

This is Colossal (aka 'Colossal')

(with a broad focus on 'visual culture', specializing in the funky, surprising and especially striking...the internet-shareable, basically)

There are more (there's always more), but if you want to feed your brain some novelty these are great starting points for sifting through new work.