Grab-Bag 4: "McMansion Hell"
The McMansion Hell tumblr blog was started by a now-graduate-student of architecture who enjoys sharing their love of expensive bad housing. If you know someone with more money than sense that built or bought a monument to their own directionless consumerism, this is for you!
Part of the appeal for me personally is also that architecture is an important realm in the arts, and one that I knew/know very little about in any concrete way. If you look at the "McMansions 101" collection of intro links, the author actually does a really nice job of laying out *why* this feature or that is professionally considered 'bad' (either structurally or aesthetically), and provides numerous counter-examples of the same feature handled in a 'good' way. (I also subscribe to the author on Patreon, where subscribers get a regular post featuring an entire "Good House".) Going through each listing, I don't 'get' (and occasionally don't agree with) *all* critiques, but each post still provides an enlightening look into how artistic principles can be applied in a field completely different from what I'm used to.
...In addition, this person seems to have grown up in a housing situation much like my own, and hates a lot of the lot of the things I hate, which is always pleasant. Depending on your own background YMMV.