5: Style Stretch with Gangloff
[Click image for larger view.]
Hope Gangloff
Study of Olga Alexandrovskaya, 2012
Oil on canvas, w48" x h72"
More at the artist's website
A painting from a favorite contemporary artist (who works in acrylic, no less), Hope Gangloff. Pretty much all the examples so far have been reaching for straight realism, so this is a good look at how a more abstracted style can incorporate both human and animal subjects to good ends. (And again, when human/animal paintings go wrong it's usually because the artist's style is geared more towards one subject than the other — the above is a good example of a style that adapts itself around both, and for more successful examples see tons of awesome idiomatic styles in animation, graphic novels, comics and etc.)
And since that one up there is using the chicken more as a prop for/mirror to the main subject, here's a bonus Gangloff with the animals more forefront: